Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Course

    2. Choose a Project

    3. Business Acumen Accelerator

    4. Read the Business Strategy

    5. A Primer in Business KPIs, UX Outcomes and How To Measure Them Both

    6. Business Foundation

    7. Stakeholder Success Map

    8. Pro Insight: Stop Trying To Convince People Design Has Value…

    9. Showing Up To Do Business

    1. Pro Insight: Never Use These 3 Phrases…

    2. The Product Ecosystem and Choosing a Focus

    3. Customer Jobs and Current Solutions

    4. Journey Data and Insights

    5. Problems and Hypotheses

    6. Knowledge Gaps

    7. Going and Speaking to Customers

    8. Pro Insight: Don’t Block the Business, Enable It…

    1. Jobs To Be Done Part 1

    2. Aligning Jobs to Business Objectives

    3. Identifying Market Gaps and Unmet Needs

    4. Jobs To Be Done Part 2

    5. Value Proposition

    1. Unusual Inspiration

    2. Creating Concepts

    3. DVF Framework

    4. Establishing High Impact UX Metrics

    1. UX Strategy Template – Presentation Option 1

    2. UX Strategy Template – Presentation Option 2

    3. UX Strategy Template – Presentation Option 3

    4. UX Strategy Roadmap

    1. Socializing Your Strategy

    2. Establishing Ceremonies

    3. Measuring Your Progress

    4. Pro Insight: How To Work in a Way That Supports Your Company Culture…

  • $147.00
  • 38 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content
  • On Demand Course
  • Official Certificate For LinkedIn